Code Enforcement Complaint Form

Please complete this form to report a code enforcement violation within the Village of Virginia Gardens. This form will be responded to in order that it was received. You will be contacted by phone or email if additional information is required. Response time will vary according to the number of complaints currently on file, however, most complaints are investigated within 10 business days.

For more information call (305)871-3141

*CS/SB 60: County and Municipal Code Enforcement July 1, 2021*
Prohibiting code inspectors designated by boards of county commissioners from initiating investigations, of potential violations of codes and ordinances by way of anonymous complaints; prohibiting code inspectors from initiating enforcement proceedings for potential violations of codes and regulations by way of anonymous complaints; prohibiting code enforcement officers from initiating investigations of potential violations of codes and ordinances by way of anonymous complaints; prohibiting code inspectors designated by governing bodies of municipalities from starting investigations of potential violations of codes and ordinances by way of anonymous complaints; requiring persons who report possible violations of codes and ordinances to provide specified information to the governing body before an investigation occurs, The prohibition does not apply if the code inspector or code enforcement officer has reason to believe the alleged violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.

    Section 1: Complaint Information

    Name (required)

    Address (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Email (required)

    Section 2: Location/Description of Code Violation

    Type of Violation

    Inoperable VehicleIllegal DumpingJunk/DebrisIllegal StorageBoat StoragePool/Paint ViolationOther (explain below)

    Description of Violation

    Location/Address of Violation